
We know you'll do your best in the classroom, and we'll do our best to help you get there. We offer over $5 million annually in undergraduate scholarships and awards, including entrance scholarships and entrance scholar-bursaries.

We also encourage you to apply for external awards to supplement your scholarships, loans, and savings.

When you apply to Acadia, you'll be automatically considered for grade-based entrance scholarships. Follow the steps below to apply for more entrance scholarships and other helpful sources of funding:

Acadia's University Hall on a pleasant summer day. Many students walk or cycle down the path, while others stretch and chat on the lawn.

1. Receive a Letter of Offer

Congratulations! Once you're accepted, we'll send you a letter of offer that will let you know if you're being considered for scholarships.

2. Complete your scholarship application and endorsement forms

Submit the online scholarship application and have two references submit an endorsement form. We'll use this information, along with your grades, in the scholarship review process.

3. If you're planning to apply for a student loan, apply for our scholar-bursaries

Scholar-bursaries are additional awards for students with unmet financial need who intend to apply for a student loan. Scholar-bursaries can provide even more funding in addition to your entrance scholarships.

4. Apply for external awards

There are many awards available from non-profits, companies, and government. Take some time to explore these opportunities. Check out our list of scholarship portal websites, plus awards available to Indigenous students and students with disabilities.

Scholarship Application Deadline: March 1

5. We'll confirm your scholarships

If you are a successful scholarship recipient, you will receive your award package in mid-March.